Scoring System & Whisky Colour

The Scoring System

I have decided in January 2024, after careful consideration, to move to a 10-point scoring system instead of the 100-point scoring system I was using since the beginning of More Drams Less Drama.

Shifting to a 10-point scale brings with it the promise of increased reliability in my whisky evaluations. The comfort of this more condensed scale allows for a clearer, more consistent assessment, enhancing the overall dependability of my reviews.

I aim to establish a cohesive, regular and reliable standard. Here’s the scoring system breakdown:

  • 10: The holy grail of whiskies – perfection in a bottle (I know, I claimed perfection was a myth, but let’s make an exception just this once). This one’s so good, sell your parents, your kids – heck, even your neighbour’s dog. You need this in your life!
  • 9: A whisky so exceptional, it’s like catching a glimpse of perfection, even if it’s just around the corner.
  • 8: Not just good, but great! This whisky is so fantastic that chasing it is totally justified – as long as the price tag agrees.
  • 7: A very good drop indeed. This whisky is crafted with care, tastes delightful, and is way better than your run-of-the-mill spirits.
  • 6: Above average – and if it’s reasonably priced, it’s practically begging you to grab a bottle for those everyday sips.
  • 5: Average. It won’t make you dream of whisky waterfalls, but it does the job. Forgettable but not regrettable.
  • 4: Below average, but not terrible. It might have a quirk or two that’s a tad annoying. It’s like a good friend who occasionally gets on your nerves.
  • 3: Disappointing, like a magic trick gone wrong. Off notes galore – someone dropped the ball on this one.
  • 2: Nope, just nope. Avoid this whisky like the plague. If it’s your only option at the pub, go for a pint or, better yet, a gin.
  • 1: Atrocious. This whisky isn’t bad; it’s downright revolting. Whoever gave the green light for this to hit the shelves should seriously reconsider their life choices. Pour it out in the sink – and heads should roll for less!

Price will not be factored in the scoring system, the score expressing the quality of the liquid only. However, the perceived value and how it compares with the market may be addressed during the review conclusion.

The Whisky Colour

In order to define the whisky’s colour, I compare it to this colour scale from Whisky Magazine, on a calibrated screen. Obviously many whiskies don’t have the exact same colour as one of those in the scale, and in that case I’ll use what seems to me to be the nearest colour.